It becomes an enigma
When you no longer
Need to care
What people think
A time of re-examining
Motives and reasons
For doing, not doing
Thinking and saying
Asking 'why' rustles context
Rattling frame from baubles
Jostling structure from style
Leaving substance to withstand
Life's awkward traumas
Drawing a likeness
Singing a favorite
Chatting a tale
These are durable
During the storm
But who cares?
None? All?
What mattered before unravels,
A tattered windsock of
Yesterday's issues
Wrestling windmills is gone
Fencing gusts is pointless
Paddling against the current
Is wasteful spending of
Precious drops of energy
No longer easily regenerated
My existence isolates
Between specks of stardust
And vacuous space,
Beneath the comets'
Rare surge of sparks
Who is whom?
'their' judgement melts
Past egos collapse
Aged ids deflate
Faux snobs reduce
To wispy hourglass grains
Falling without will
It is time to do without a care
To move without concern
Because there is no 'them'
'they' were blown away in the tempest
The few molecules I command
Must relax now in my
clear canoe's pleasant flow
In the riverforest's sun-speckled bath
To recoup and recover
To destroy despondence
To revive, repair and restore
The original pondering of
'why am I here?' and
'who might i be?'
This solves the new enigma
Clear bright weightless
In this fresh season of
Uncounted heartbeats
And unlimited potency